Far too excited to be Mindful Me

It’s that time of year again (finally!!!), the suitcases are out, the ironing board is out, the washing machine is having a nervous breakdown. It is officially just five sleeps until Newquay. As part of my gratitude practice (more on that in a later post) I am extremely grateful that this year I only have one thing to be excited/nervous/stressed about. As much as I loved every single thing about our wedding day last year and would do it again in a heartbeat, trying to sort out two weeks worth of clothing for two adults in the midst of wedding decorations, dress alterations, table plans and every other thing that appeared on my seemingly never ending lists made it pure chaos. So this year because the holiday is my sole focus I started preparing two weeks in advance. Scott has been instructed that once it goes in the suitcase/has been ironed and hung up it is no longer his. Now my only worry is am I overpacking or underpacking? How many dresses do I need for two weeks? Will I realistically be wearing socks? Have I got enough nice clothes for going out for meals? Have I got enough casual clothes for daytime and possible beach time? Is two beach towels each going to be enough? Seriously if ever there was a time for me to be employing my mindfulness practice this would be it. However, as the title of this blog post suggests my mind is somewhat elsewhere at this moment in time. Mindfulness teaches us to not focus on big events in our lives and spend too much time preparing for them and getting excited for them in a way that makes us forget about what is happening in the right now. But right now I am doing exactly what I shouldn’t be doing and focusing all my time and energy on Newquay. Work is literally just me counting down the shifts until I can clock out for two weeks. I think I need to find the right balance between being excited (going away for two weeks to somewhere that we love is exciting) and still enjoying the time leading up to it rather than being a stressy mess. And breathe………

*See below for pictures of Bridesmaid Becky sat amongst the wedding chaos (note the holiday clothes on the back of the settee!) and pictures of Newquay taken on our honeymoon last year.

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