Stepping Foot Back On The Mat.

Today I have rolled out and stood/sat on my yoga mat the exact same number of times as I have in the past three weeks since we arrived back from Newquay. It’s fair to say that I have well and truly fallen off the yoga bandwagon. This to me is absolutely shocking considering how completely and utterly in love with my practice I was before I went on holiday. Finding my way back to my mat has honestly been a struggle. I’m finding that I am too tired after work and there is seemingly too much to do in the house to keep on top of everything before I go to work and on my days off. Then when I have found my way on to my mat (twice), I’ve attempted to do yoga sequences that I was doing prior to a two week break from it which has made me realise just how many steps back I have actually taken as I have struggled with the poses. I promised myself I would really make an effort today to spend at least some time practicing yoga and I managed half an hour this morning followed by about twenty minutes of mindful meditation this evening. I do feel as though these are the first steps to getting myself firmly back on the right path and hope that I will soon be regularly sharing stories and pictures of my practice with you again soon.

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